Useful Info & Links (and FAQs too!)
DTL and Hardy in particular, like to have all manner of handy information close at hand. With that in mind, here are a few sets of info and links that we think are handy!
CANADIAN AREA (NPA) CODES Ever wonder where a phone number ‘goes’ to? It is a lot harder now, with the introduction of lots of new area codes. Luckily there are a few web resources to make sense of it. The official CANADIAN site ( is quite useful. I also recommend, which can also list local/adjacent areas. I have a mini-version available here with a simple list and map of Canadian area/NPA codes.
HOURS OF SERVICE - Canada, Canada-North, USA Briefly (for single/non-sleeper operation), in Canada south of the 60th Parallel, your work shift cannot exceed 16 hours in duration, of which no more than 14 hours can be working hours. Of that 14, only 13 can be driving hours. You MUST also take a minimum of 8 consecutive hours off between shifts, with a total of 10 hours off per day (unless using a deferral!). North of 60, your hours of service allowed increase. In the USA, you are further limited -- see direct link for info! - Link to CVSE website - report unsafe trucks (BC) to 1-888-775-8785 - Link to US-DOT - quoted simple regulations
VEHICLE WEIGHTS/DIMENSIONS - link to CVSE - BC regulations - scale locations BC
HIGHWAY/ROAD REPORT (5-1-1) LINKS (telephone numbers and websites) DriveBC (1-800-550-4997) is my ‘home’ system, and has constantly updated reports, webcams and more. 5-1-1 telephone service is pre-recorded (or live) highway and road information. It may be year-round, or seasonal. I like the phone version as WiFi/Internet is not always available. I strive to keep the information complete and current with both websites and phone numbers, toll-free where available!
WEATHER INFO (RECORDED ATADs) Much the same as 5-1-1 info, there are quite a few pre-recorded phone lines (ATADs) out there, especially in Canada. I have also linked to a few websites with reliable info.
CALLING LINKS (VOIP etc) In addition to using a regular mobile (cell) or landline phone, there are also many other ways to call. VOIP is popular as it provides very cheap (or free) long distance calling (although there are a lot of mobile plans now with inclusive LD). However, by using some of these in dial-around/bridge mode, you can access 800-numbers that are not usually available from your calling area (especially US-based 800-numbers from Canada!)
BORDER CROSSING STUFF Canadian (CBSA) and American (CBP) sites. Canadian Cabotage rules explained. My main crossing is Pacific Hwy/Blaine. For ‘commercial’ vehicles (including rentals!) heading south (into USA) be aware of the CBP USER FEE (currently $10.50 - US Cash exact change only!)
BC MoT BLOG TranBC has interesting info, useful links, including #ShiftIntoWinter ...